Financing Solar
Many of our residential customers choose to self-finance their solar system while others choose financing loan options.
Solar Financing With Credit Human
We recommend solar financing with Credit Human. Creative Energies doesn't get any kickbacks from recommending Credit Human, but we have thoroughly vetted them and multiple Creative Energies customers have opted to finance their solar projects with them.
Credit Human is a financial institution focused solely on providing loans that help people afford clean energy products and services such as solar electric systems, electric vehicles, home energy efficiency retrofits, electric-assist bicycles, and net-zero energy homes.
If you choose to utilize Credit Human for a system installation with Creative Energies, please note that we will send our customers a unique link for the loan application (If you apply directly on their website you will have to go through two applications).

Other Solar Loan Options
If you prefer financing through a different option than Credit Human, we are happy to work with other solar financing options, like a home equity line of credit or third-party financing from your bank or credit union.
Always Vet Solar Companies Offering Financing
We recommend vetting any solar company that offers to finance solar since many deals are too good to be true! Unfortunately, there are predatory loan rates that some solar installers offer. Some warranties are too good to be true and sadly many solar companies go out of business without backing up their promises. Checking online reviews and reading the fine print can save you from major headaches!
Creative Energies Focuses On Our Solar Craft
Creative Energies does not offer financial loans or leasing for residential solar projects since we focus on our expertise in solar design, installation, and service. We focus on solar and leave the financing to the bankers. We are dedicated, however, to working with you to find the right solar financing solution for you!
Federal, State, and Local Financial Incentives
Creative Energies will help you take advantage of the financial incentives and any available tax credits to optimize your solar gains.
Learn more about current national and local solar financial incentives.