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5 Ways To Make Your House More Eco-Friendly

It’s never too late to assess your home and determine new ways to make it more environmentally friendly. The daunting part of the change often comes when searching for the right next step for the environment while still living a comfortable lifestyle. Check out these five effective ways to make your house more eco-friendly, so you can start making positive changes.

Solar Panels

One of the best ways to get more eco-friendly is by redesigning how your home uses power. At Creative Energies, our solar energy installers provide homes with a way to generate power with little more than the sun’s incoming rays. By converting those rays into electricity, your solar panels will give your home what it needs to run while reducing your carbon footprint. Plus, even if the sky is dark during a stormy evening, your panels will still power your household as normal.

LED Bulbs

Do you know whether your light bulbs are incandescent or LEDs? If not, now is the perfect time to swap any incandescent bulbs in your home for LEDs so you can live a greener lifestyle. Replacing all your lightbulbs with LED units is a very quick and easy way to make your house more eco-friendly. The benefit of LED bulbs is that they use less energy and last longer than those incandescent options, and they will still provide a beautiful light source in your home.

Home Furniture

Another great way to incorporate more eco-friendliness into your home is with the help of great furniture. Some furniture manufacturers create pieces in eco-friendlier ways than others. You can find home furniture online made from recycled items or environmentally friendly materials, and they look just as stunning as any other decor. If you’re unsure if the item you are looking for contains eco-friendly materials, read the listing closely or contact the seller directly to learn more. Sellers typically don’t hide the fact that they use eco-friendly materials to bring their furniture designs to life.

Window Treatments

It’s common for homes to lose warm and cold air through their windows, but you can combat this problem today. Window treatments give homeowners more privacy in their homes by providing a visual barrier between themselves and any passersby. However, an additional benefit of window treatments is that they keep winter breezes and warm sunshine from making indoor temperatures uncomfortable. A good set of blinds will give you the perfect way to let the sun in when helpful but deflect it when necessary, so you get the best of both worlds.

Green Appliances

Finally, you can make your home eco-friendlier by shopping for new kitchen appliances. First, go through your kitchen to look for appliances with Energy Star ratings. These appliances are energy efficient, environmentally friendly, and perform optimally, whether it’s a dishwasher, refrigerator, or microwave. Outfit your home with energy-efficient appliances today if you’re ready to transform your house into a greener sanctuary without losing what makes it special to you.

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